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Feature Pricing

Prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD)
Routing Features Setup Monthly Changes
Exchange Based Routing (Per setup): 350 250 50
Post Code Prompting (Per setup): 350 250 50
Time Based Routing (Per setup): 350 250 50
IVR (Per setup): 350 250 50
Smart IVR (Per setup): 350 250 50
Call Rotator (Per setup): 350 250 50
Pin Based Routing/Custom Routing (Per setup): 350 250 50
Priority Caller Number Routing (Per number): 160 0 50
Outbound Call Features Setup Monthly Change Fee
Campaign Dialling (Per setup): 500 0 0
Porting Setup Monthly Change Fee
Port 1300/1800 to AVANSER (Per number): 45 0 15 per rejection
Port Geo/VMN to AVANSER (Per number): 25 0 15 per rejection
Port Number from AVANSER (Per request): 50 0 0
Additional Features Setup Monthly Change Fee
Call Outcome (Per setup): 320 200 50
Custom Call Whisper (Per setup): 50 0 50
Basic Call Whisper: 0 0 0
Voice Talent (Per recording): 55 0 0
Call Survey (Per setup): 320 200 50
Urgent Support Request: 50 0 0
Bulk Export – Call Recording (Per 8GB): 50 0 0
ARTIC (Hosted Call Centre) 450 0 50
ARTIC Agent: 0 20 0
Call Recording – 12 Mth Storage (Per 50GB): 0 75 0
Block Caller ID (Per number): 25 0 0
Inbound Lead Notification: 25 15 15
Click to Connect (Per button): 25 0 25
Call Evaluation (Per setup): 320 200 50
QR Codes (Per code): 25 0 25
Custom Ring Tone (Per setup): 55 0 55
Custom Recorded Message (Per setup): 55 0 55
SCRIBE (Call Transcription) POA POA POA
Call Sentiments & Analytics POA POA POA
Portal & Integrations Setup Monthly Change Fee
Custom Scheduled Email Report: POA POA POA
API Integration (Per setup): 150 0 0
Custom API Integration: POA POA POA
Branded MCN (Per setup): 150 0 150
Branded Portal (Per setup): 450 0 POA
Setup Charges Change Fee
Hardware Set-up & Programming Fee (Per hour): 150 per hour 0 POA
SMS  0 0.15 per min NA